Friday 25 November 2011

Charm Your Way to the Top

Kent, WA (PRWEB) September 3, 2006

Vegas Buzz Radio and NetMillionaire Concepts have teamed up to create The NetMillionaire Buzz Radio Show. October 10th brings the wisdom and sales training from the top training expert, Brian Tracy. In this interview Tracy shares the latest update on his all time best seller, The Power of Charm. on this incredibly growing unique radio show.

In conjunction with their new Entrepreneurial Training Game, The NetMillionaire Training System designed for the Network Marketing and Home-Based Business Industry, the show is a phenomenal new tool that business owners and entrepreneurs can use to get the inside scoop on training skills, success practices and much, much more. In turn, they can share this information with their associates and employees to accelerate their businesses to the next level.

This NetMillionaireBuzz Radio Show is hosted by Ross Arntson and Rob Hannley, the creators of The NetMillionaire Training System which is the first ever edu-tainment training program for the Entrepreneurial industry in the form of a high quality board game. This engaging training system encourages the participants to interact through role playing and participatory techniques which act as mental anchors, re-enforcing the training materials. This creates a powerful method to retain information for the players. With weekly reinforcement from the radio program, networkers have a tactical edge on the competition.

Brian Tracy is one of America's leading authorities on the development of human potential and personal effectiveness. He is a dynamic and entertaining speaker with a wonderful ability to inform and inspire audiences toward peak performance and higher levels of achievement.

He addresses more than 250,000 men and women each year on the subjects of personal and professional development, including the executives and staff of IBM, Deloitte Touche, McDonnell Douglas and The Million Dollar Round Table. His exciting talks and seminars on leadership, sales, management and personal effectiveness bring about immediate changes and long-term results.

Brian has a B.Comm., M.A. and is the Chairman of Brian Tracy International, a human resource company based in San Diego, California, with affiliates throughout America and in thirty-one countries worldwide.

Prior to founding Brian Tracy International, Brian was the chief operating officer of a development company with $ 265 million in assets and $ 75 million in annual sales. He has had successful careers in sales and marketing, investments, real estate development and syndication, importation, distribution and management consulting. He has conducted high-level consulting assignments with several billion-dollar corporations in strategic planning and organizational development.

Brian has traveled and worked in 90 countries on six continents and speaks four languages. He is an avid reader in management, psychology, economics, metaphysics and history and he brings a unique perspective and style to his talks. He has the remarkable ability to capture and hold audience attention with a fast-moving combination of stories, examples, humor and concrete, practical ideas that get results-fast.

He is the author/narrator of many best-selling audio-cassette programs, including: The Psychology of Achievement, Breaking the Success Barrier, The Psychology of Selling, Peak Performance Woman, The Science of Self-Confidence, Thinking Big, and How to Master Your Time.

Brian Tracy has produced more than 300 audio and video learning programs covering the entire spectrum of human and corporate performance. These programs, researched and developed for more than 25 years, are some of the most effective learning tools in the world.

As a top salesman for 22 years, Tracy found that his most important breakthrough in selling was discovering that the "psychology of selling" was the secret to success. By learning how people think, why they buy, and what creative techniques you can use to perform and persuade, you will, as Tracy promises, "learn how to double, triple, and quadruple your sales and your income within a few months, or even a few weeks."

Offering a proven, practical series of sales methods and techniques - including action exercises that individuals and organizations can apply immediately - there's not a more simple or straightforward method for success. Just follow Tracy's method, watch the results, and you'll be sold too.

In this book: you will learn how to:

The Power of Charm will change your life by showing you how to:

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