Friday 25 November 2011

New Funding Available for Research into the Science of Appetite Control

Sarasota, FL (PRWEB) May 6, 2009

The Prader-Willi Syndrome Association (USA) has announced its recent commitment of significant resources from its Research Fund to support the scientific effort to solve the puzzling problem of hyperphagia (the extreme unsatisfied drive to consume food). Scientists and researchers are encouraged to apply for the new "Best Idea Grant."

The availability of the grant funding is being made in conjunction with the First International Conference on Hyperphagia. This conference will for the first time gather together experts from around the world to discuss developments and unanswered questions of appetite control linking hyperphagia in uncommon disorders with overeating in the general population.

Applicants for the award must have attended the conference and participated in the unique roundtable discussions focusing on developing a series of recommendations for the "Best Avenues" for future research. Funding of at least $ 100,000 will be available in multiples of $ 25,000 to be paid out over 1-2 years. Researchers are encouraged to design projects to solve problems independent of resource limitations and refrain from designing projects which fit established funding availability and funding schedules. In an effort to accelerate solutions, the grant approval process will be expedited.

Having funded over a million dollars of research over the past ten years PWSA (USA) hopes this new "Best Idea Grant" initiative will have an immediate impact on the research performed in the area of appetite control and obesity. Projects are particularly welcome that cut across disorders and disciplines, and have future potential to benefit the treatment of hyperphagia in uncommon disorders and overeating in obesity amongst the general population.

"We hope that by offering this unique funding opportunity, the research community will design progressive projects capitalizing on the ideas generated by the conference and thereby accelerate solutions to the problems of insatiable hunger and obesity." says Janalee Heinemann, Director of Medical Affairs and Research of PWSA (USA).

The unique structure of the conference will include representatives from the National Institutes of Health, the pharmaceutical industry, the academic world and experts from several disorders which have hyperphagia as a hallmark characteristic. Discussion will center on such areas as genetics, molecular biology, behavior and psychology, addiction, neuroimaging, gastroenterology, endocrinology and animal models. The conference is scheduled for June 4th and 5th in Baltimore, MD.

George Bray, M.D. from the Pennington Biomedical Research Center will be the keynote speaker on Thursday night, June 4th. Dr. Bray has spent his career focusing on the problems of obesity and has written a multitude of articles on appetite control, obesity and diabetes.

Additionally, Hans-Rudolf Berthoud, Ph.D., has agreed to give the keynote address on Friday morning, June 5th. Dr. Berthoud is a world renowned expert in the neurobiology of appetite, having studied and written extensively about the gut-brain interactions and the neural circuitry controlling appetite and obesity problems.

"Prader-Willi syndrome has been described as the Window of Opportunity for study into the perplexing problems of hunger. Hunger and overeating are cornerstones in the foundation of the critical worldwide public health problem of obesity. The study of the extreme condition in such disorders as Prader-Willi syndrome, Alstrőm, WAGR, Fragile X and Bardet-Biedl will yield results applicable to the general population," says conference co-chair James Kane.

Prader-Willi syndrome (PWS), a complex syndrome affecting appetite, metabolism, growth, metabolism, cognitive function and behavior, occurs in 1:12,000 to 15,000 births. PWS impacts both males and females and all ethnic groups. Currently there is no cure and, to date, no medications or procedures are successful in staving off the relentless hunger and resulting obesity. Without environmental supports and dietary restrictions, those with PWS may suffer morbid, life-threatening obesity and premature death.

PWSA (USA) is a 501(c)(3) charity that helps children and adults with PWS and their families through every stage of life. It was formed in 1975 to serve parents, professionals, and other interested citizens. Hospitals, physicians, and parents from all over the world consult with PWSA (USA) with medical emergencies and questions daily. A 24-hour medical emergency hotline is offered at (800) 926-4797 to advise and assist families and medical and other professionals.

For more information about the Best Idea Grant and The First International Conference on Hyperphagia, visit,, or contact Janalee Heinemann, Director of Medical Affairs and Research for PWSA (USA) at 800-926-4797 or James G. Kane, Chair, Research Advocacy Team for PWSA (USA) at 410-321-9788.


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