Friday 25 November 2011

New Online Job Marketplace Jobs For $10 (

New York, NY (PRWEB) March 3, 2011

Small business owners and entrepreneurs oftentimes want to carry out a professional task but lack the manpower, the know-how or the financial means to pursue it. Sometimes self-employed people and business owners aren't aware of the possibilities that are out there.

Though there are websites that provide professional services and information, such services generally come at a high cost. Small business owners tend to look for the most cost effective solutions, recommendations, and networking opportunities to further their business interests. For that reason, a small group of entrepreneurs founded an initiative structured like a treasure island of small services able to push business to the next level online as well as offline. This initiative, which is called, takes advantage of the abundance of services that can be priced at $ 10 that exist in the marketplace, including: marketing, writing, graphic design, video creation and social media.

Through, entrepreneurs can acquire advertising to help increase website traffic for $ 10, while creative writers can dramatically increase their exposure to the market by listing their services via the site. Indeed, for $ 10 one could acquire personal assistance with marketing activities, video work, social activities services and virtually anything else of value that comes to mind.

The new flat world economy offers services for good prices. Far-Eastern contractors and western professionals alike have managed to provide fast and flexible solutions and top-notch deliveries on a low budget. Whereas Rentacoder (Vworker), which offers computer-programming services, was one of the first online marketplaces,, the micro-job marketplace, will enable freelancers to offer professional top class video, logo and writing services online. Aside from the obvious benefit of providing services such as online marketing techniques that werent previously available, JobsFor10 aims to make it all affordable. By using JobsFor10, the average user could save as much as 90%-99% for services in most western economies. As 2011 is the year that U.S. President Barack Obama chose to push Small Business forward, the timing for marketplaces like JobsFor10 is especially auspicious.

The unique nature of sites like JobsFor10 and Vworker allows it to perform as a small trust fund, with functions similar to those of PayPal. The customer (buyer) transfers the money, but the service supplier will receive it only after the customer has confirmed his total satisfaction concerning the work provided. JobsFor10 will not check each service provider, however, those service providers who do not perform according to the customers satisfaction will eventually be removed from the site. This will be monitored through evaluations received from customers.

JobsFor10 will allow the global market to leverage its gains by cutting costs. Relying on customer loyalty, JobsFor10 aims to receive 50% of its business from former clients.

The advantages of the Micro-Job Marketplace:

Prices are low on average $ 10 (though services will range from $ 5 and up to $ 20).
Work and payment are 100% guaranteed.
There is no negotiation, as the prices are fixed.
The signup process is exceptionally easy.
The website has a very smart service ranking, JobRank, which allows users to make empirical decisions based on total marketplace experience.

JobsFor10 also aims to serve its user base by allowing them to increase their online exposure via different web applications, and in so marketing themselves increase their business opportunities.

In order to express customer satisfaction, JobsFor10 has also released a feature that enables users to ask for services and let a contractor offer a bid. Employers can post a job request with the price they are willing to pay on the Bulletin Board, and contractors will reply to them.

In the new age of the Internet flat world it simply is not necessary to pay a lot in order to receive a top quality service, so why pay more?


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