Friday 25 November 2011

Otherworld Publications is Excited To Announce the 2011 Publication Line-up

Louisville, KY (PRWEB) October 4, 2010

Otherworld Publications is thrilled to announce the 2011 publication line-up. We have another exciting year ahead of us.

About the Authors:

Michael Wallace

Michael Wallace grew up reading all the history texts and novels he could find. His library shelves are filled with a range of genres from H.G Wells and Jules Verne to Michael Crichton and Tom Clancy. It is only natural he writes thriller adventures with a science fiction twist and some history thrown in for fun. At the point the reader becomes comfortable with the pace of his stories, he will hit you with a plot twist, which will change the game.

His first novel, The Red Fire Fly, broke new ground when it was released with its own soundtrack. The combination of music with a novel adds a third dimension by letting the readers hear the background of the scenes.

He lives in Colorado where on weekends you will find him rock climbing, or kayaking, or backpacking, or snowshoeing, or hiking, but most likely, you will find him running a trail somewhere. He runs 30 to 40 miles a week and he does it barefoot. Yep, he is one of those insane barefoot runners and to make it worse he hopes to one day run in all the stages of the Four Deserts Race. You can learn more about him and his books at

Jennifer Cloud

Jennifer Cloud was born in Asheville, North Carolina. She began her love of books at a young age and soon after discovered her love for writing. Her husband encouraged her to finish her first novel after finding a partial manuscript she had hidden away in an armoire. She now resides in Missouri with her husband and two daughters. She is the author of many novels in both print and electronic versions. She has also had two dozen short stories published and many novellas.

David Donaghe

David H. Donaghe lives and works in the high desert of southern California. David has three passions in life: reading, writing and riding his motorcycle. When not delving into a good book or putting his face in the wind on his motorcycle, David writes short stories and novels. He has had three short stories published so far and another coming out in an anthology.

Davids other hobbies include, fishing, hunting, karate, camping, horsemanship and other outdoor activities. He uses these experiences and other life experiences in his writing. David is currently enjoying life and working on his next novel.

Brandon Tietz

Brandon Tietz is the author of the novel, "Out of Touch," a transgressive take on nightlife, socialites, and sensory deficiency. He enjoys a well-poured vodka tonic, good conversation, and the musical stylings of R

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