Friday 25 November 2011

AP Capital Partners Co-Founder & Sr. Managing Director featured in CNBCs I Am American Business campaign.

Orlando, FL (PRWEB) October 04, 2011

Today CNBC will be launching an ad campaign profiling exceptional business leaders including the co-founder and Sr. Managing Director of AP Capital Partners, and Chairman of The RMP Group, Richard M. Powell. He was selected for being one the most dynamic, inspiring and successful executives who represent American business leadership and integrity. Mr. Powell will be featured in a 30 second commercial on the CNBC network, alongside a 60 second extended feature on the CNBC website.

CNBCs I Am American Business shares the personal stories, challenges and triumphs of individuals who are proven leaders, and have made their mark, in the American business world. As an avid viewer of CNBC, Richard is delighted to be recognized by the network. I am honored to be featured in this campaign. It is always humbling to be referenced in the same company as Jack Welch, Donald Trump, Bob Johnson, and many other outstanding business leaders. Their stories have motivated me, and constantly remind me to raise the bar, says Mr. Powell.

As he mentions above, Richard will be joining other innovative leaders of the business world that have been profiled on I Am American Business. Others not mentioned above include Kevin Plank, Chris Gardner, Sean Combs, Tommy Hilfiger, Tori Burch and Julie Aigner-Clark. Not only have these individuals built empires, but they have created jobs for Americans and are the driving force behind the countrys business sector. AP Capital Partners would like to thank CNBC and the production crew who worked tirelessly to capture and share his story. To view the 60 second feature on Richard Powell please visit

About AP Capital Partners

APCP is a private equity firm that makes long-term investments in exceptional enterprises. The firm's goals are to dramatically improve financial performance, deliver best-in-class products and services, and create fulfilling environments for employees. APCP delivers strong relationships, a true partnership approach, and effective execution to create value in outstanding companies. The APCP team includes highly successful financiers, institutional investors, and entrepreneurs. For additional information, please visit

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