Friday 25 November 2011 book trading platform is released .all are free to use for both sellers and buyers

(PRWEB) September 9, 2004, the Internet site of Hiidea Book & Music Store, has announced the release of its first "do it yourself" book trading platform that allows both buyers and sellers to list books wanted or for sale. The site is free to use for both sellers and buyers.

The site, Buy or Sell Books : Do it yourself (, is the first to allow buyers and sellers to find or list a book in their local community, sorted by universities or cities. The site has attracted a large number of college students who are now able to find and buy used textbooks from their neighbours at the same campus.

Allen Goldstein, a computer science student at New York University, said, "Instead of going to eBay and spending hours and dollars without much success in selling my last year's textbooks, I can now go straight to Buy or Sell Books : Do it yourself on, and sell them to my buddies right here. I sold three books in a week, and get extra cash to buy new books for this sememster. Best of all, I paid no fee and the service is free at" Gil Diller, a doctorate student at MIT, was able to pick up a hard to find reference book that is used only in few universities, is excited: "I have been searching for this book for 3 months and nobody has it. I found it in Buy or Sell Books : Do it yourself ( I can't believe the guy living in my apartment building got a copy, and it is in excellent condition. I was able to pay cash and pick it up right away. No shipping needed."

Mr. Peter Jin, the CEO of Hiidea Book & Music Store, was impressed by the warm remarks. He believes the site will have a large following once more and more people know about it. "It is free. It is the first site that allows college students nationwide to trade locally on campus. Once you know about it, you will keep coming back. This site will travel by mouth."


Hiidea Book & Music Store is a leading book store that sells over 1.4 million titles on discount books, music, and movies. It has the largest collection on sports & entertainment books. It is specialised in extbooks and carry some of the hardest to find titles.

For more information visit or, or email PR Director Allen Xu at

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